Here is the letter, the Scriptures are below.
Emmanuel, one of Jesus’ AKA’s is “God with us”!1 That’s FOR REAL, but: Only By our Personal Invitation from each of us.2 We each are born disabled, unable to heal ourselves of our affliction – selfishness & pride.3 We cannot join a Holy God in Heaven w/the incurable nature that we have!4 But the Perfect One “took it on” for us for His Father’s justice.4 That caused Him to suffer the consequences FOR us, so we could be forgiven & made ALIVE forevermore.5 (Not exactly what you or I would have done . . . but then, our ways & thoughts are not His!6) Forgiveness wasn’t enough to stop the nature; we had to be empowered to change for the better w/the Holy Spirit within each of us when we INVITE HIM IN.7 So while still in this fallen flesh, we are attracted to sin, it is less & less as we grow from GLORY TO GLORY, much to our Joy and our Heavenly Father’s.8 All Glory to His Obedient Son Who took on the first step at Christmas – to be IN this sinful world and to be in a Potentially Sinful Human Form . . . BUT He was born of the Heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit, not of an earthly father.9
EXTRA JOY to each of us at this 2022 Christmas as we ponder this Miracle!10
Personal Invitation: (There are many Scriptures that could have been used as the foundation of these Christmas thoughts [and Scripture is consistent with itself] but Focus on the Family came up in a Google search for Personal Invitation to Jesus with a very understandable, Scripture-based explanation. Many of their Scriptures are used below but in versions that seemed to encompass what was written in our letter, using Bible Hub [ ] – parallel versions of one verse at a time.)
1 | Emmanuel (Immanuel) – Matthew 1:23 – Contemporary English Version “A virgin will have a baby boy, and he will be called Immanuel,” which means “God is with us.” |
2 | Personal invitation – Romans 10:13 – NET Bible For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. |
3 | Born disabled – Romans 3:23 – Good News Translation everyone has sinned and is far away from God’s saving presence. |
4 | Jesus, “took it on” – 1 John 3:5 – Amplified Bible You know that He appeared [in visible form as a man] in order to take away sins; and in Him there is [absolutely] no sin [for He has neither the sin nature nor has He committed sin or acts worthy of blame]. |
5 | Jesus suffered the consequences – 1Peter 2:24 – Weymouth New Testament The burden of our sins He Himself carried in His own body to the Cross and bore it there, so that we, having died so far as our sins are concerned, may live righteous lives. By His wounds yours have been healed. John 3:16 – Aramaic Bible in Plain English |
6 | His ways – Isaiah 55:8-9 – New Living Translation 8“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the LORD. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. NET Bible 9for just as the sky is higher than the earth, so my deeds are superior to your deeds and my plans superior to your plans. |
7 | His Power, not our own – Romans 7:18 – Weymouth New Testament For I know that in me, that is, in my lower self, nothing good has its home; for while the will to do right is present with me, the power to carry it out is not. Acts 1:8 – Amplified Bible But you will receive power and ability when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; Luke 11:13 – Weymouth New Testament If you then, with all your human frailty, know how to give your children gifts that are good for them, how much more certainly will your Father who is in Heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!” |
8 | Changing – 2 Corinthians 3:18 – New Living Translation So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image. Romans 12:2 – Weymouth New Testament And do not follow the customs of the present age, but be transformed by the entire renewal of your minds, so that you may learn by experience what God’s will is–that will which is good and beautiful and perfect. |
9 | Jesus – to be IN this world – Luke 1:35 – Amplified Bible Then the angel replied to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you [like a cloud]; for that reason the holy (pure, sinless) Child shall be called the Son of God. John 1:14a – Good News Translation The Word became a human being and, full of grace and truth, lived among us. |
10 | Ponder the Miracle – 1 Peter 1:8 – Weymouth New Testament Him you love, though your eyes have never looked on Him. In Him, though at present you cannot see Him, you nevertheless trust, and triumph with a joy which is unspeakable and is crowned with glory, |